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Review This Story || Author: Pagan

You can\'t tell the book by the cover

Part 1

Copy-right, Kayce69@fsworld



                              Another story by Pagan.


                          You can’t tell the book by the cover.


She had finished stamping along the road about half a mile or so back, her feet hurt and the cool of the night had curbed her temper, plus it was about the time the first car full of stupid men had pulled up beside her and offered her a lift, she remembered the leering looks and the, “Come on darling get in and you can have one,” type of crude remarks.


Then there was the second car and then the third all with filthy talk from, “You look cold come on I’ll warm you up,” to, “Get your cute ass in here, get your fucking knickers off, and let us boys have some fun you look as though you could do with some men fucking you.”


She felt so stupid, what a shit Andy had been, snogging with that girl, Christ he had his hand up her jumper and he was thinking she wouldn’t see them, then she went and threw her mobile phone at him, now she had no money, no phone and still three miles until the flat, that bastard better not be there with that girl.


Just then another car with two men in, “Hey gorgeous you need a ride, with legs like you got I know I do,” she ignored them. She knew the outfit was not exactly day wear, high heels, no stockings, just white ankle socks, a very short flared dancing skirt, tight blouse, with just a bolero fur trimmed jacket for cover, still that was it, she hadn’t counted on walking home.


Another set of headlights illuminated the path, not again she thought; a large modern van pulled along side, she saw the dark metallic colour and huge red flash up the side, she thought, another flash git who thinks he’s gods gift to women expects her to get in when suddenly a woman’s voice said, “You look lost and far to pretty to be out here alone,” she looked over at the rolled down window.


The woman would be about mid to late twenty’s and she could see another to her side and another in the back part, she stopped, turned and said, “To be honest, yes I do need a ride, are you going anywhere near the Mangland Centre?”


The driver turned and looked at the others then turned back, “Can do.”


The girl moved towards the van, “In that case, yes I would appreciate a lift.”

The woman at the drivers side got out, came round and open the back side door and said, “Hop in,” the woman in the back moved over, she got in but to her surprise the woman who had opened the door pushed in beside her, squeezing her in to the middle, uncomfortably she was stuck between them.


The van moved off, the driver was the first to speak, “What brings a pretty thing like you out alone?”

Trying to be polite but as nervous as hell she said, “Boyfriend trouble, we had a row.”

The driver carried on, “Running home to mum?”


She shook her head, “No, no, I have a, I mean eerr, we share a flat, if he’s still there, god I hope not, serve him right if I didn’t go back.”

The driver laughed, “Certainly would.”


The women to her left said, “My names Georgina.”

The one on the other side said, “And I’m Philippi.”

She looked at both of them and stammered, “Yes, sorry, I mean I’m Josie,” she was confused, their voices sounded strangely different, she thought maybe they are foreign.


Quickly the driver said, “Don’t you get fed up with people calling you Jo?”

Josie laughed, “Yes.”

The driver said, “I know what you mean, I’m Jackie.”


As the van sped along the other two gave a strange grunt at that last remark, it made an uneasy Josie jump, she was trying to move but they were really squeezing themselves in to her.

The squeezing was now getting more and more intense. With her trying to keep her skirt down, some how Josie’s arms had become trapped by her side, she didn’t want to disturb the two big women, she just prayed that they would get to the Mangland centre quickly, she strained to look out of the misty windows hoping to see a familiar land mark.


Josie could just see a clear space on the side window, she peered round, bending slightly forward as she did. Had she been able to move she would have jumped out of the seat, as she turned to look, Georgina rubbed her face against hers letting her lips trail down the side of Josie’s face.


The feeling of shock was only equalled by the nausea of the feel and smell of the woman, her face was like rubber and felt so rough, Josie immediately shrunk back, turned and let rip, “What the hell do you think your doing, god I only wanted a lift there’s no need to----”

Before she could finish Philippi stroked her leg, the sudden invasion making her jump, “There, there Jo no need to get those pretty knickers in a twist just relax, you’re amongst friends.”


With them making sure she could not move her arms out, she was helpless as Philippi ran her hand further up her leg, Josie shouted to the driver, “Stop this fucking car now, I want out.”

Josie saw Jackie’s laughing face in the rear view mirror, “Oh no, traffics bad around here, wait until I find a safe place to pull over; you just sit there and be a good girl.”


As much as Josie wriggled she was wedged tightly in between the two women and to make things worse Georgina’s hand slapped painfully on her other knee.

The new hand followed the other, sliding further up her naked thighs. Much as the poor girl, now sandwiched between these big strong women struggled she could not move, the only thing she could do was resort to screaming obscenities but they soon silenced that.


“Get your fucking hands of me, you perverted fucking lessee’s,” she took a breath ready to go again when both hands gripped a hand full of inner thigh flesh and squeezed. Josie thought they were going to rip the flesh from her body, still gripping they turned their hands; Josie couldn’t even scream the pain was excruciating.


Georgina turned and bit Josie’s earlobe forcing a long, “Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh,” from the pretty girls mouth.

In such a casual voice, Philippi said, “You going to be a good girl and shut the fuck up, or shall I let Georgina continue?”


Tears welled up in Josie’s eyes, Philippi grinned at the helpless girl, “Think about it, if we rip your ears off, what’s lover boy going to hold on to when he’s fucking your mouth?”

The wagon was filled with noise as the other women roared with laughter, but Philippi carried on, “Now you be a good girl and, for now, keep your mouth shut.”


Georgina slid her hand further up the shapely thigh, “Now what’s in a bit of funnin between us girls?”

A blubbering Josie shook as she sobbed, “Please don’t hurt me, let me go home.”


Georgina’s hand slipped on to the little pants her fingers hard and brutal as they shove at the outline of Josie’s cunt, the side of the hand rubbing in between the soft skin of the closed thighs, as the thumb prodded at the thin material.


Philippi had resigned herself that the sweet young cunt was lost to Georgina had pulled open the little top, her hands squeezing at the tight blouse, “Hay Georgie, you thought you were big this little sweetheart is defiantly top heavy,” she grinned in to the terrified face, “The tart your boyfriend was going for must have had something, It would have to be to give up playing with you, unless they ain’t real.”


Georgina ran her tongue up the side of Josie’s face, ‘mmmmmm taste’s good enough to eat and I think I’ve got my hand on supper,” Josie pulled away and looked out the window, nothing, no lights, they were out of the city.

A pathetic, “Please,” was cut short as she felt her top pulled out of her skirt and Philippi’s cold hand touched her stomach, working it’s way up.


Josie mumbled, “Please don’t, I want to go home,” Jackie looked at her through the rear view mirror, “We all want something sweetheart, you’ll be getting out in about fifteen minutes so sit back and enjoy the ride.”


Georgina licked her ear, “The first ride of many you will have tonight,” her hand ground in to the soft flesh between Josie’s legs.

She jumped and moaned, another, “Please let me out,” whispered from her lips but all she got was Philippi nuzzling up to her face, “What’s the matter little sweetie-pie, don’t you like Georgina’s touching your tush?”


Unable to avoid either woman she cringed at the feel of the rough skin on her face, the smell of make up was overpowering, she was now feeling faint, the lack of food, the fear and what was happening, her body went in to defence mode and started shutting down.


Josie felt herself swooning, almost in a dream like state she felt their hands, for woman they felt so strong and she couldn’t fight, fingers were now in her pants. A hand was on her breast, squeezing, rough fingers plying them, pulling at the nipple. Josie’s ears deafened by deep laughter, these undefined voices making crude remarks about her body.


Georgina asked, “How long?” Josie heard Jackie but she sounded so different, “I’m going to Leslies it’s a little more remote, so I’d say 20 minutes, tops.”


Josie’s head lolled back, she heard Jackie on her mobile, words were jumbled, “Pretty, ya, teenager, legs oh long, ha,ha ya better open, pick up on street, no, walking home, boyfriend trouble, ya thought she may be lonely, oh just for tonight, thought it might be fun, no, ain’t had a real one for ages, see you in ten, bye.”


Josie was still unable to move her arms, she moaned as hands mauled and pulled at her breast’s and nipples, a faint, “Please don’t,” squeezed from her lips as fingers pulled at the side of her pants and others roughly shoved in to her.


As the wagon turned and bumped over a cattle grid on to a gravel drive the fingers up Josie’s cunt jammed further in, making her squeal, Georgina licked the side of Josie’s face, “You feel well tight, your gona be real fun.”


The wagon stopped Josie’s arms ached as the pressure left them and they slid down the seat but she didn’t have time to do anything as they were grabbed and she was dragged along the seat and hauled out of the door. She stumbled over the uneven gravel only to be propelled though a large farmhouse door. As the door shut and a light came on she could see these three woman then a another joined them, she was bigger than the others, her long thick black hair framed a strong ugly face, Josie tried to turn and run.


Georgina’s strong hands quickly gripped her, “You aren’t going that way, you’re going that way,” suddenly she almost lifted up and through another door, she found herself in a very unusual room.


Philippi grabbed her jaw, her face came close to Josie’s, her tongue slid out and she licked up from Josie’s jaw, over her mouth and nose, she smiled, “Welcome to the play room.”


Josie stared at the room, long sofas adorned each of the four walls, in the middle was the cross between a high bed and a low table the large top covered by thick cushioning, a large cupboard stood in the corner and spotlights criss-crossed the ceiling, the whole room was decorated in low, rich, dark, to Josie some what foreboding colours.


Georgina’s grip never left her arms as the new woman, they called her Leslie stood in front of her, she towered a good foot above the whimpering Josie, her husky voice almost a whisper as her hand came up a caressed the side of the petrified girls face, “You going to let us play with you?”


Josie whimpered the usual, “Don’t hurt me, let me go,” that all woman about to be abused cry, it got the same response, “You play nicely and we won’t send you home with any broken bones, try and escape and we can always dig a big hole out back and lay some more concrete, you getting the idea?”


Now that did frighten her, “Please I’ll, I’ll do it but let me go, after you will let me go, won’t you?”


The big woman smiled, “We’ll see, now we are going to watch you as you peel yourself for us and you show us lots of pussy, we like pussy,” she sniggered, “Don’t we girls?”


The four women moved away from Josie, she watched them as they sat on different sofas; she looked longingly at the door and knew it was locked; she took a deep breath. Her hands fumbled as she pulled her little fur-trimmed top off; her blouse was out of her skirt so the few buttons didn’t take long, as she slipped it from her shoulders Philippi called, “I told you she had a good hand full and believe me they are so soft to the touch.


Josie squeezed her eyes shut as she felt for the clasp that held the short skirt, she felt uncomfortable, the crotch of her panties were all to one side, she knew the woman would make rude comments when they saw them, she thanked god they were only women, she had heard about lesbian sex and thought that she could cope with licking pussy, she had too, it was the only way to get away.


She shuddered as the little skirt slid over her hips, Leslie was the first to speak being sat opposite she had the best view, “Hello little pussy, nice to see you out, and so cute, my are you in for some fun tonight,” she looked at the shivering girl, “More fun than you thought you were going to have with lover boy.”


Her embarrassment obvious she just ripped her panties down, then reached for her little white ankle socks, Jackie hadn’t spoken since the van but Josie jumped when her voice snapped, “Leave the socks, there kinda cute.”


The poor girl stood there, tears welling in her eyes, trying to cover her self but daring not to, in case the foul women got angry. She kept her legs closed trying to cross one thigh towards the other but the grin on the ogling faces let her know she was only putting off the inevitable.


They all got up simultaneously, Josie nearly jumped out of her skin as they began to undress. Each woman took off their tops, all had huge bras and the breasts in them where perfect, every one of them had firm breasts but the nipples were small in comparison.


Each one of them wriggled out of their skirts, they looked big compared to Josie, strong thighs, big legs tapered down to large shoes, their skin looked course, the make up looked even thicker now they just had on panties, the girls eyes were reverted on the strong thick pants.


Georgina was the first to step up to Josie, she grinned as her hand reached out and fondled the girls soft young firm tits, she tweaked the nipple, pulling at it until Josie had to step forward so as to keep her balance.


At the same time Georgina stepped forward, as Josie regained her balance Georgina’s hand slipped down and covered her the young girls cunt, the fore finger immediately slipping in to the slit, “mmmmm nice, what do you think of my tits, go on have a feel.”


Josie knew it was pointless to argue, her trembling hand moved, she tried not to touch anything else, the smell of make up was sickly sweet she could have been sick, her hand touched the firm breast they felt rough, the nipple small, pink and hard rubbed against her fingers.


Georgina kept fingering her, “Go on squeeze them, you may as well, your going to be sucking on a lot of nipples tonight,” she waited until Josie was squeezing her tighter before carrying on her assault on the tight slit cupped in her hand. 


Suddenly she felt some one else behind her and hands on her bottom, caressing her cheeks, moving down and towards her anal entrance, Philippi cooed in her ear, “Firm ass, feels good, you had many cocks up there?”


Josie was still squeezing at the tits in front of her, she just shook her head but Philippi carried on, “Had any cocks up there?”

Still she shook her head, the one called Leslie giggled, “Her age and still I virgin in one hole, unique,” Josie was sandwiched between the two women, bigger than her she was struggling to do as she was told, when Georgina suddenly said, “I’ve had your tits, you’ve had my tits, I’ve had your cunt, your turn.”


Biting her lip so as not to cry Josie let her hand fall, she felt the pants and carried on down, Georgina smiled, “Inside the pants girly, inside.”


Josie found the pants tight to get her little fingers in, but she did, slowly sliding her fingers over the flabby stomach and down, she felt thick pubic hair, then something else, she squealed and tried to drag her hand back but Georgina grabbed and kept shoving. With her left hand Georgina pulled at the side of the pants, it opened like a nappy, Josie suddenly realized what she had in her hand, it was a long fat cock, as she squealed, “Oh god,” the others all ripped their pants off, each one sported a huge cock, the room rang to Leslies scream of, “Oh god, surprise, yes we all have one and tonight sweet Josie your going to service them all.”


Philippi was to strong for Josie and held her easily; amongst the cries of, “no, no,” there were giggles from Leslie and Jackie, “Love the surprise, adds to the excitement, really makes the whole thing fun, and this little naive girly ain’t seen to many of us gender bendering she males but boy is she gona get to know some tonight.”


Josie’s mind couldn’t take it in, all these women with there long hair and big tits, high heels and make up but huge stiff cocks waved at her from between their legs, she had never seen cocks that big, she squealed and struggled but she was held tight and to her horror she could feel Philippi’s hard cock as it pressed against the cheeks of her arse.


The deep excited sounds of the masculine women drowned out the pathetic cries of the helpless Josie as she begged them to leave her alone. Leaving her alone was the last thing on their mind; they dragged her towards the centre of the room, Josie struggled as the huge high bed loomed up in front of her, “Please no, you can’t,” Leslie jumped on the bed.


Josie was reduced to tears as she saw the huge woman with a large cock grinning at her, “Come on sweetheart, don’t be shy its been a long time since any of us had a real cunt to fuck, and we are going to make the most of yours, look on the bright side it will an experience to tell your grand kids,” she chuckled, “Hope your on the pill, if you aren’t you could have some grand kids who won’t need telling.”


With out warning they threw Josie on to the bed, Leslie caught her easily and slammed her on to her back, “Spread em little girl and get some proper meat between those lovely young legs.”


As much as her tiny hands fought she was no match for Leslie, her knees were pushed open while she was positioned under the grinning face. Being taller Leslie’s tits swung in Josie’s face, “Go on girly lick em, get them in your mouth and suck, tickle them, excite them and me, it will keep your mind off my big cock while its stuffing your sweet hole.”


With a last squeaked, “Noooo”, Leslie gripped her hands in hers and dragged them over her hand slamming them down on the bed, her whole body shifted up, the cock head found the open slit, and as she covered Josie’s face with her tits she pushed her hips up.


A lovely oooommmpphhh sound game from amongst the white mounds of flesh as the cock speared the tight cunt, it drove up, deeper and deeper in to the struggling girl, slightly back and up again, slightly back and again each time the cock buried itself deeper in to the warm flesh.


Leslie grunted as she fucked her little toy, each stroke making the hole lubricate itself, each stroke getting deeper until it hit home, a long aaahhhh came from Leslie, she looked at the others, “That’s a comfy fit, let the fucking begin,” she grinned down at the whimpering girl, “Some one better keep count, if your ass and mouth are as tight as this little pleasure palace this could be a record night.”


Josie was no match for the big frame as it pummelled her on to the structure, every thrust knocked the wind out of her, the huge thing inside her, banging and banging up to the hilt drove all the fight out of her, Leslie could see she had surrendered to her fate, “Come on little Josie, lets have some life out of you,” Josie groaned as she heard, “Remember this is only first of many up this cunt we still have the delights of your ass and mouth to explore yet.” 


Josie couldn’t fight, her arms held above and this weight holding her down, her legs painfully held open by the continues fucking she was getting, she couldn’t even raise a cry. She was concentrating on breathing, forced, ah, ah, ah, ah, sounds now panted quickly from her when a long groan from Leslie rasped in her ear, the huge body suddenly pumped the warm mixture in to her ravaged hole.


Leslie lay panting almost squashing the life out of Josie, suddenly Leslie was pulled up and off her, the large cock being yanked out of the abused cunt, Josie’s eyes flew open only to be greeted by the grinning Georgina, “I get sloppy seconds but I bet your still gona be nice, keep them spread little girly, keep em spread.”


Josie just lay there, her mouth being dragged to suck the nipples on her next attacker as another cock rammed up her, she just took her, the fucking was relentless, time lost all meaning as Georgina fucked her, she filled her then Jackie then Philippi all three of them having their fun with her. Her eyes scanned the room she felt sore and battered but as Leslie got up again she knew there was still worse to come.


Leslie stood at the side of the structure grinning down at Josie, the huge piece of meat hung fat between her legs, Leslie’s hand gripped it, lifting it, pointing it at Josie, “You got nice lips, they did some nice sucking on my nips so now you are going to give me some good head.”


Josie sobbed and shook her head, the grin never lift Leslie’s face, “That wasn’t a question, you are gona suck, lick, kiss and swallow this, your tongue is going to dance over it while your pretty little mouth try’s its hardest to get it all in, then when you’ve made it nice and hard, I will then ask me a question, do I pump cum down your throat or do I pump it up your ass, oh decisions, decisions, now don’t get me annoyed just get to it, you have no choice so lets have your mouth open and sucking on it.”


In one movement Leslie was on top of Josie, her thick thighs pinning the poor girl to the base, the fat cock starting to thicken as she daggled it towards Josie’s mouth, “Open up little girly, give Leslie the old sucky, sucky.” The huge hand grabbed a handful of hair and pulled the trembling face up and on to the waiting meat. Josie tried to stammer the word no but the cock was now pressing between her lips and a violent shake of her head had her mouth open, the cock firmly rammed in it and a sobbing girl closing her lips around it.


Josie couldn’t use her arms to fend Leslie off, they were taking the strain of keeping her head up so as her hair wasn’t ripped from her head. Her eyes stared down as she watched the long length pull out then plough back in to her, she felt her throat bulge out as the massive head forced itself in to her. Her eyes flicked up, hoping for compassion only to see the grinning made up face wallowing in the misery she was forcing on her. 


Her eyes flicked left, there was Philippi, her legs wide open her long cock hanging between her legs, she saw Josie looking and immediately thrust her hips back and forth making the fat meat swing like a pendulum, Josie knew that there would be no escape she knew she would have her cock stuck in her mouth next.


Josie gagged as the juice from Leslies cock splat the back of her throat. Philippi was quickly beside her dragging her over the side of the structure allowing her to spit some of the filth out but Philippi’s intention were not nice, she had hold of Josie she could now grab the choking girls head and stuff her own meat in to the gagging mouth, again Josie was sucking cock, this time she found herself licking at sweet smelling balls and kissing the fat length, licking up and down before being ordered to finish the job off in her mouth.


Her throat was so sore, the cocks had not been gentle, she choked and gagged so many times as these things had tried to force their cocks all the way in. She was like a rag doll, the four had fucked her cunt and mouth and Josie groaned as she heard them discussing how they were going to fuck her ass.


She had screamed herself horse when Leslie first screwed her ass. Leslie had stuffed some cream in to her hole but she had still been brutal, reviling in the way Josie had wiggled her ass as she tried to escape the invading meat.


Philippi was just as bad, her fat cock drilling the hole, long finger nails scratching at swinging young tits as she tormented Josie with remarks on how she fucked ass’s for a past time but you still couldn’t beat fucking the real thing, a nice tight real girly ass.


She lay bent over as the other two enjoyed her, fucking her ass, agreeing with Philippi about her cute butt hole until Josie lay almost to the point of unconsciousness, unfortunately not unconscious enough not to hear them say, “Lets finish her off with two’s up each, flip you for her cunt.”


For another hour Josie got double ended, she had no fight in her, the four things pulled her and positioned her, enjoying her long nipples before bending her to their pleasure while they fucked her mouth and cunt, they weren’t in any hurry they laughed at the broken girl as they took all the time they liked.


Josie came around when the wagon rolled over the cattle grid, it was dark, she didn’t know what day it was all she knew was she was still alive and heading some where, she thought, please make it home.

Suddenly she saw the Mangland Centre, she knew the road, she knew the entrance to the flats, she was home. Philippi dragged her out and up to the elevator. Georgina was the other side, holding her straight while they waited for the door.


It pinged and the door opened, a pretty girl walked past them as they entered the lift, Josie whispered, “Four,” Philippi pushed the button. The three stood outside No 54, a youth answered the door, “Hay Judith you forgot something, I thought,” he stopped when he saw Josie in between the two women, “Oh my god, what happened?”


The two women dragged Josie through the door and lay her on the settee, they looked at the youth, Philippi moved close to him, “You left he to walk home, sniffing another cunt were you, had the cheek to bring her back here, suppose we just past her coming out the lift, been cuming with you has she and you couldn’t give a shit as to what happened to your girl friend, you prick.”


Georgina moved, her hand connected with the youths jaw as Philippi belted him between the eyes, he dropped like a stone, a few well aimed kicks with high heels had him screaming on the floor. Both of them grinned at the blood covered face, he looked at them, spat some blood from his mouth, “You can’t do this, your fucking women,” another perfectly aimed kick between his legs was followed by a laughing Georgina, “Sorry sonny but its time you learnt, you can’t tell the book by the cover,” they closed the door behind them.


They went back to the wagon but in the street light they could see three figures in the van, as they reached it Leslie was holding a trembling girl, Jackie said, “Meet Judith, she needs a lift.”








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