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Review This Story || Author: David l

Field Horse Slave

Part 1


                                                                      Z11077,  FIELD HORSE SLAVE




The beautiful  blonde lay naked in her stall chained by her right tit-ring to the wall. The black guard dog that had just fucked her lay next to her,  fully satisfied. She could feel him panting and his heart pounding. The tongue of the mongrel slobbered over her as if she were a piece of meat , which to the him and her owner is all she was. 

She was  Z11077 as could be seen from the number branded on her breasts. Z11 on the right and 077 on the left.

Suddenly the door flew open and the dog leaped from the stall. The woman guard entered and with a dog whip lashed the back of the beauty until she kneeled and pushed her breasts forward. These beautiful chained globes were then given the usual five lashes each. Some water and beans were placed before her which she ate greedily as the guard stood and watched her silently.


After she was finished the guard removed the chain from the wall and placed a second chain on her left tit-ring. The guard then  lead the slave out of the stall by her tit-chains with  her wrists still chained to her waistband and with her ankles chained together   by a one meter length of chain. She was lead to the plow which stood in the field  where it was left yesterday. The slave was harnessed to the plow by her tit-chains. Her pony mate, a true pony,  was brought alongside her and she too was harnessed to the plow but by a leather neck harness.


A vicious lash with a carriage whip started the team in  the early morning heat. By mid-morning the team was sweating profusely and were stopped for water. The blonde was lashed often that morning , more than her animal mate. The black dog had fucked her three times the night before and she fought him off each time but to no avail.  This particular dog lusted for Z11077 and he was seen often in the fields mounting her as she plowed. Once being seen by her owner , the mistress of the plantation, the team was stopped and the black dog fucked Z11077 in harness as the guard lashed her tits. After this episode several other dogs took the same liberty with the choice white meat horseflesh.



These punishments did not stop the routine punishments for ponies that did not meet quota. This is why at least once per month, on Punishment Day, Z11077 was chained to the whipping post in the square and flogged. Her punishment ranged from 50 to 100 lashes depending on her monthly performance. But this treatment did not detract from the natural beauty of the blonde horse slave. No, even once when she tried to escape when her stall was left open and unattended by the drunken guard. She was easily captured and on the next Punishment Day she was crucified on the whipping post with nails driven through her wrists and given 100 lashes with the bullwhip.


After that punishment  as she pushed her plow the guard would taunt her , reminding her of her crucifixion and to tease her would brush the tip of her carriage whip against her cunt prior to delivering a vicious undercut to her lovenest .

Review This Story || Author: David l
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