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Review This Story || Author: Leones

On the Riviera

Part 16

On the Riviera-16

"Yea, you look just marvelous."

"Alright, you smart ass bitch, what was it you said you were?"
"Gorgeous?" "A centerfold?" "And what was I now?" " Oh yea, an ugly old
lady, right?"

"Unless you want those alligator teeth, rather than my finger on your
clit, you'd better spread your legs for this ugly, old lady, and I do
mean wide, point your toes towards the opposite walls."

Brandi's sun tanned legs were splayed to their fullest when Wilson knelt
between them, her feet extended, her toes pointing outwards. The old
lady looked at Brandi, with a smile, her face caked with makeup, then
held up her snarled and crooked index finger. Brandi closed her eyes,
turned her head to the side and then felt the deformed digit invade her
womanhood. The beautiful blonde's face blushed with shame, her eyes
teary with rage. Wilson quickly found Brandi's clitoris, causing the
distressed blonde to instinctively close her legs.

"Your only getting one warning honey, point those toes or I'll have
those alligator teeth chewing on your love bud."

It was euphoric for the out of retirement dominatrix, a sexual high to
see the beautiful blonde obediently spread her legs upon command. Wilson
was experienced at domination and well versed in most all fetishes but
it had been sometime she had had someone with Brandi's attributes under
her control. The cruise was definitely rejuvenating her sexual interest.

Brandi laid passively but voiced protests while the old lady teased and
messaged her clit with the tip of her finger. Wilson continued until she
could feel the tiny organ swell and expand in size. She then spread the
lips of Brandi's vagina until it looked like a peeled fig, the girl's
pelvis jerking involuntarily as a gush of cool air rushed into the
exposed channel. Brandi's slightly glistening clit stood proud and erect
at the entrance to the narrow, pink passageway. Wilson couldn't resist,
she held the appendage between her thumb and index finger. Brandi
stiffened her whole body and held her breath as the old woman gingerly
squeezed the very essence of her femininity. Wilson's voice was soft,
almost soothing.

"Relax Brandi, you've got a nice one, almost like a little penis."

The very thought of this old bag bringing her to term was repulsive and
humiliating to the beautiful young girl.

"Please Mrs. Wilson, don't do this to me, I beg you."

"Sorry sweetie pie, your begging only turns me on."

Review This Story || Author: Leones
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