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Review This Story || Author: Leones

On the Riviera

Part 15

On the Riviera-15

Wilson stepped behind her captive, reached up and unfastened her wrists
from the overhead pulley chain, staying cautiously out of reach, which
really wasn't necessary as the blonde's crossed and tethered ankles made
standing almost impossible, using her outstretched and wavering arms for

"Alright blondie, I want you to lower yourself to the floor.'

"Please Mrs. Wilson, I can't do it from this awkward position, not with
my feet tied.

"You can do it, just start squatting, that's all you have to do."

Brandi was starting to seethe again, her anger mounting, this old lady
was making a fool out of her. The young blonde began to slowly bend her
knees, then lost her balance and despite putting her hands behind her,
her ass cheeks hit the floor with a hard thud, forcing a loud grunt to
escape through Brandi's mouth.

Wilson laughed out loud.

"I knew that you could do it but I didn't think that you would use such
an undignified approach."

Brandi remained silent.

"OK sweeetie, lay flat on your back, place your hands on the floor
behind you, with your wrists crossed and keep them as far from your head
as possible."

The beautiful blonde laid on her back and submissively placed her
crossed wrists on the floor, well above her head. The old gal tied
Brandi's wrists together, then pulled on them, further stretching the
blonde's one hundred pound frame, then secured them to a ring bolt
attached to the floor. Wilson looked down at her tightly secured

"Honey, you look like you have twenty pounds of tit laying on your
chest, my old man will just eat those up."

Wilson took a minute or two before stooping over and untying Brandi's
ankles, when she stood up, the young girl could hardly believe her eyes.
The old lady stood there in a pair of frilly blue panties and matching
bra. She looked to be nothing more than wrinkled skin and bones. Wilson
posed for the young blonde girl.

"You like?, sweetie."

She pointed to the right side of her panties.

"Monogrammed and everything, B.W.,Beatrice
Wilson, pretty snazzy, huh?"

Review This Story || Author: Leones
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