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Review This Story || Author: Leones

On the Riviera

Part 12

On the Riviera-12

Brandi received two slaps to the side of her face in rapid succession,
not devastating blows but certainly hard enough to get her attention.
The old lady now spoke with a new authoritative tone in her voice.

"Listen to me you little punk, before I'm through with you, you will
show me respect and you will address me as Mrs. Wilson." "There was a
time when I was known as mistress Beatrice." "You think your gorgeous,
you think your centerfold material, do you?" "Well' I had movie starlets
quaking and kissing my boots before you were a glint in your papa's

"Fuck you old lady, your living in the past."

"That may be true but thanks to Mr. Devroe, the past is now the present
and you're ass belongs to me for the time being.  

Old lady Wilson went to the control panel and pressed a button, when
Brandi was just barely on the balls of her feet, she screamed.

"No, no more.............Mrs. Wilson."

Wilson stopped the pulley device and approached the beautiful young
blonde who was performing a tap dance routine on the tips of her toes,
to relieve the renewed strain on her shoulders.

"That's better, show some respect to your elders, and superiors, I might

"Please Mrs. Wilson, will you lower me back down?, my shoulders are
killing me, I was hanging up here long before you got here."

"Maybe in a minute or two, but right now I think that you need a lesson
in humility, young lady."

Humility she did learn. Brandi stood helpless and naked. tittering
precariously on tip toes, arms secured above her head while this very
old lady explored her firm, young body at her own leisure. Wilson did
take her time, enjoying the young girls exquisite feminine charms.
Brandi revulsed as she felt the old lady's feeble hands exploring her
body and testing her young flesh, mostly it was humiliation but Brandi
did wince in pain when her rear passageway was violated and again when
the old lady got a little rough with her tits. Brandi was surprised but
relieved that Wilson had practically ignored her vagina, the old lady
had fondled her between the legs, and pulled, almost playfully on the
rubbery lips at the entrance but did not actually penetrate her
sanctuary. When Wilson had finished the tour of the Brandi's  wares, she
lowered the young blonde so that she stood on the soles of her feet once
again. Brandi hated that she must thank the person that had just
violated her and taken unwanted liberties with her naked flesh, but she

"Thank you Mrs. Wilson."

"Good girl sweetie, looks like your a quick learn."

Review This Story || Author: Leones
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