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Review This Story || Author: Leones

Dealing Nikki

Part 4

Dealing Nikki-4

Using a small, sharp knife, the man standing in front of her cut Nikki's t-shirt
up the front, then at the sleeves and then jerked it ruthlessly from her body.
Three simple snips and her pink, lace trimmed brassiere fell to the floor,
leaving Nikki nude from the waist up, her centerfold melons now on display for
all to see. The position of her arms forced them to jut into prominence,
straining upwards, high on her heaving chest.

The man stooped down and removed Nikki's Reeboks, not bothering to unlace them.
He then unbuttoned her jeans at the crotch, revealing a hint of the matching
pink panties she wore underneath. The oriental tugged hard at the tight fitting,
faded blue jeans, forcing them over the blonde's curvacious hips, removing both
the jeans and panties with one full swoop. Nikki stood in all her naked
splendor, her deeply bronzed body emphasized by her barely visible tan lines.
Her eye lashes fluttered in rapid motion, her eyeballs rolling to the white and
the young, terrified blonde fell limp, hanging lifelessly in the arms of her

Johnny showed no signs of remorse or compassion. "You can take her all the way
down the hall to the master bedroom."

Nikki presented a magnificient array of female flesh, appearing to be all legs,
tits and ass as the two orientals carried her by the feet and shoulders.  

Nikki was awakened by voices, that of a man and a woman. She tried to move but
was unable, in fact she felt very awkward in her fruitless attempt. Then she was
fully awake, her eyes popping open in panic alarm. She was on the bed in the
master bedroom, the very same bed that she and Johnny had had so many romantic
and lust-filled nights of passion. Only the circumstances were much different
now. Beautiful, beautiful Nikki, with the great legs. Instead of proud, arrogant
and untouchable, she was obscenely splayed and offered up like a whore off of
Sunset Blvd. She was on her back, her wrists stretched wide and tied with nylon
rope to opposite bedposts. Her legs had been lifted and brought back over her
head and each ankle tied to the same bedposts as her wrists, leaving her
womanhood vulnerable and unprotected. Her panties had been wadded, stuffed into
her mouth and secured in place by one of her own scarfs. 

Nikki looked up between the vee of her own outstretched legs into the mocking
face of Judi Lee. The young oriental casually ran her fingers through the wisps
of blonde down surrounding Nikki's slightly parted slit.

"Very good, Ms. Page, I was hoping you were natural." "My father will be

Judi continued speaking to the hapless blonde, taking pleasure from the young
girls plight.

"It seems that you and Benny have a little unfinished business to attend to and
being the romantic that I am, who am I to stand in the way of a lovers quarrel?"
"Something about a kick in the balls and a promise to fuck your brains out?"

Nikki squirmed the best she could. "Mmmmmmpppphhh." "Mmmmmpppphhhh."

Judi laughed out loud at Nikki"s unintelligible spewings and turned towards

"Ok, big fella, she's all yours for three hours and then we are going to prepare
her for her trip to mainland China."

Judi left the room. "Alright you two lovebirds, have fun."

Review This Story || Author: Leones
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