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Review This Story || Author: Leones

Dealing Nikki

Part 2

Dealing Nikki-2

A frustrated Johnny stood in front the expansive wall mirror futilely attempting
to tie a windsor knot in his necktie. Niki came to his rescue. Approaching him
from behind, she put her arms lovingly around his neck and expertly completed
the elusive windsor.

Johnny looked at her face in the mirror, feeling her ample breasts pushing
softly against his back. He marveled at Nikki's thick, fully developed lips.
They reminded him of Kim Bassinger. Johnny broke the moment of silence.

"This is a big night for the west coast family." "If we can corner the Chinese
drug market, it can mean a billion dollars a year to us."

Nikki aknowledged him. "I know but it's really strange that their sending a
nineteen year old girl to negotiate."

Johnny shook his head. "I know, thats what I thought at first but evidently her
aging father is a top respected warlord or something like that." "He is eighty
years old, had his daughter very late in life and has raised and tutored her for
this highly respected position."

"Well it dosn't matter to me one way or the other as long as we close the deal,"
Nikki responded. "By the way, am I alright in these faded jeans and T-shirt?"

You look great honey, I just thought I'd wear a tie for the occasion." 

Six persons attended the meeting. Johnny, Benny and Nikki sat on one side of the
large oakwood table. On the other side was the nineteen year old Judi Lee and
her two male subordinates, both of Chinese descent.

Judi Lee only stood about five feet tall but her demeanor stood about ten feet
tall. While appearing to have smallish breasts, typical of the orientals, made
even more obvious when compared to Nikki's large knockers, she was still sultry
loking and indeed very attractive,

A lavish lunch was enjoyed by all as they negotiated first one point and then
another,  attempting to iron out their differences and to work out all of the

During one of the lulls, Benny leaned over to Johnny and whispered.

"I think Ms. Lee is pretty hot." "What do you think?"

Nikki overheard the remark and couldn't resist the temptation but spoke louder
than she had intended.

"Yeh, if you like tittless wonders."

Everyone stopped talkng and eating at the same time, creating an uneasy silence.
The young oriental stared at Nikki for a long while. It unnerved Nikki that she
could not read the young girls expression. Finally, Judi Lee smiled but only
slightly and then turned to Johnny.

"Mr. Ricco, we have heard your porposal, now my associates and I must converse
in private before making our decision."

Johnny opened a door for them and invited them to use the adjoining room.  

In about ten minutes the threesome returned and took their seats across from
Johnny, Nikke and Benny.

Review This Story || Author: Leones
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