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The Orc's Plaything

Part 1

The Orc's Plaything

"Oooooooh mommy what is it?"

"It's a… I mean she's a mix breed…. She is Human and….….you can tell by…."

I watched as the elven child scuttled behind the robes of her mother legs. As I moved on though the crowd, the whispered words followed my path as eyes bore into the deep shadow of the robe I wore.. Children at least were more honest in their reaction. The adults thought they were so subtle in their horror

"Sil….Sil….damn it… would you please wait up you cantankerous bitch…"

The sound of the voice behind me made me just move a little faster…only now I had a smile on my face…Findecano Tenehtele had been the bane of my existence since, well forever I guess.

I didn't see the hand that reached out, one moment I was walking and the next I had been spun to face a towering warrior… the cowl covering my head thrown back…. In an instant the warriors eyes widened in shock but the shock lasted only a heartbeat. It was replaced by the realization that he was about to die…

"You will unhand her….Now" the quiet conviction in the voice left no doubt in anyone's mind that the speaker would do whatever it took to see that his order was obeyed…

As I looked into the eyes of the fair warrior, I saw more than I ever wanted to see. Some things never changed, in the largest of our cities or the smallest village. His eyes were filled with pity for the creature before him. His head turned, his eyes following the shaft of the arrow to piercing blue eyes filled with total and complete resolve. The hand on my wrist loosened and I was free. "Fin release him." Without another word I turned and was gone. I stopped listening to everything around me. I didn't see the rage in Fin's eyes or hear the curses as he gave the elf my identity or the low spoken apology for bothering me. I didn't hear the whispering awe echoing through the crowd…'...nothing human about her at all"….Why bother to listen at all, .I'd heard it all before. Even in this backwater village where we were nothing more than just strangers passing through, they knew…… "Silmarwen Elensar….She who could not be… but is…."


"…after the battle she was raped…even after seven centuries a single human breeding and still they pay the price but don't you think this is too much to ask… no one deserves to be burdened with that…"

"…should have just killed it…"

"Momma, why do people hate me?"

"Sil, baby, they don't hate you. They don't even know you."


Thinking back on her words I wonder if she truly believed it or if she was just trying to convince herself or only me. Standing before the quite pond, I look into the reflection. Letting the cloak float to the ground, the hood that protects me most of the time gone. Before me is a woman small yet deceptively strong. The lines of her body gracefully built. Eyes the icy blue of her elfin heritage, ears with the typical point usually hidden by the cowl, lips full and skin so smooth… so soft…the skin tone so hideously Orcin ..

Raising my eyes I watch as the sun begins its final decent, kneeling I begin my evening prayers…


Nazbog Stormterror, the name echoed though the caverns. The legend had not lied. As he walked among the restless horde, his low growl gave warning to all he encountered. "Can you smell it?" his eyes searching those around him. "The stink of Elven flesh . Tonight, as the clans join under a moonless sky, we rid the world of a little more of it's stink" His laughter echoed off the walls finding joy in the terror tonight promised. He had looked down upon the elf village behind its high wall so far below. He had planned this invasion. Tonight with the moon gone and the world covered in total darkness they would strike. They would kill every man woman and child inside the walled village. Through his will the Orc General had taken a disorganized horde and turned it into a killing machine. He had through strength of will, brought together clan armies and turned them in to a tool of his will "Tonight" the thought filled him as he watched the last rays of the dying sun… tonight… victory over his peoples enemies would belong to him…. "Tonight we move in silence…" the bodies began moving out of the home camp caves into the darkness of the world…


Fin followed the path out of the city. The final rays of the dying sun had long since passed from sight.

"Damn her, she will be the death of me ye…..…"

It was the last though he was to every voice as he looked down with puzzled eyes at the shaft of the arrow protruding though his chest…


At first I couldn't place the sound. The last words of my pray filling my mind, then it struck me. It was not the sound of something it was the sound of nothing. As the night had fully descended, the forest around me had gone silent. Something was wrong. I had to get back to the village. Now! Throwing the cloak around me I started running. The darkness of the forests enveloping me. Even with the enhanced eyesight my Elvin heredity afforded me, I didn't see what tripped me. One moment I was running full out, the next I was flat on my face in the middle of the path. Turning my head I came face to face with the sightless eyes of Fin. Rolling over I came to a sitting position.. then start scooting back away from him as I took in the bloody sight.. My retreat is stopped by the feel of two muscular legs at my back. Looking up my eyes encounter the soulless pitiless eyes of an Orc in full armor….The last though I had as I felt the blow to the side of the head was that I faced "He is Death incarnate ….."

Fire filled the sky… screams the air…. The sights, sounds and smells of battle raged though the night…I never heard any of it…

"Besides still alive, what the hell is it?"

The kick to the ribs and the sound of the hoarse voice woke me to the dawning light…. I could smell blood and flesh burning on the morning breeze. I rolled away from the foot as it tried to catch me again only to be brought up short…looking up from the ground I find myself meeting the eyes of the monster from last night…

"What it is, is Mine... Does
anyone have any questions as to what that means?"

The other ones pulled back mumbling their answers as they retreating from the giant.

Looking down he could see the color of my eyes and the color of my skin. With the ease born of experience I could read it in his eyes. I was an abomination. An insult to whatever God he worshipped and now I was his. Reaching down he lifted me by the hair bringing me off my feet to dangle in the air before him. One massive fist reached out, ripped the front of my gown open exposing my body to his gaze. Seams ripped loudly as the gown becomes nothing more than a tattered rag at his feet. My reaction was without though, my hands tuning into claws, I attacked him, my nails leaving long oozing gashes along his jaw line. Retribution is swift and merciless as my world explodes in pain. I find myself flying through the air, landing on the ground hard the air knocked from me. Rolling to my side, I curl up trying to breathe, my arms crossing over my breast trying to contain the pain where his fist had connected. My mind lost in the haze of pain. There was no time for recovery as the monster reached down and again lifted me by my hair. Shaking me like I weighed less than nothing. Maybe to him I did.. He was massive. Arms bulging from years spent on battle fields. His chest wide and deep. All this registered in passing as his hand reached out and grasp my breast and squeezed. His hold crushing the tender flesh. My hand reaches out fighting his hold…fingers clawing … trying to break his hold. With each passing moment his grip tightens. My breast crushed in his grip. Every second a new study in agony. My tear filled eyes raise to his, and find nothing there. There is no emotion in his face. For the first time I realize that I had been protected as an honored daughter of a great house. They may have hated me. They may have abhorred everything I represented, but they would never have dared act up on it. This thing before me had no compunction about it. And there was nothing and no one to stop him. Looking he saw it in my eyes. The realization that everything I was, everything I am, rests totally and completely in the realm of his whim. The whims of a monster.

With that he dropped me, where I crumpled into a heap of abject misery. I could feel the bruises forming deep in the abused tissue. I wore nothing now but the single loin cloth. I felt the rope coming to rest around my neck. The loop tightening, then being dragged, choked as the Monster pulls me over rock and stick. Rolling I work to find my feet before I loose consciousness as the roped tightens with each step he takes. Fighting I gain my feet only to be back handed. My senses reel as I again hit the ground. I raise to my knees trying to raise again to my feet only to be stopped short.

'She bitch you do not stand in the presence of your betters" laughter rolls over the words as his foot comes down hard on the rope bring my face to the ground. My breasts feeling the impact of the rocky terrain as nipples feel the bite of sharp stones. My ass is high in the air as his hand swings with full punishing force driving my even harder into the stone.

"Lets see what we have here" I can feel his filthy hands on the cloth that covers my most private possession then I hear ripping as I feel the air touching me. My neck is held tight as my body twists trying to escape. His laughter at my feeble attempt fills the night. He steps off the rope wrapping it around his fist as he brings me to heel at his side. The lead only inches from his hand. In a blind panic I try to retreat. I have to escape the thing that has me. Pulling on the rope I don't care that it is tightening until I realize I have lost the ability to breath. I try and move forward now to loosen the rope only to have his hand raise. He will not let the looped rope release its death grip on me. As I reach the point of passing out his words begin to register…

"…I decide if you crawl on your knees or slither on your belly bitch… I decide if you eat or drink… I decide if that slit of your is full or empty…I decide if you breath your next breath… I decided if you live or die…'

With that pronouncement the rope goes slack bending over with my head touching the ground I draw in life sustaining air.

Before I was able to take even a second breath his foot comes from behind between my legs catching my sex making my world turn into a world of fiery pain as the kick lifts me.

"Right bitch?"

It takes everything that I am to get the words past my lips…

"Yes" I knew it was the answer he wanted….

"YES???? You crawling slithering hole… You talk to ME like that????"

He comes to stand behind me. Feet parted widely holding my knees wide apart, he reaches over my back to my hair jerking my head up and twisting it almost to breaking to bring my eyes to his.

He lets me taking in the vision that is him…

He is enormous, well over six and a half feet. His body is pure bone and muscle. He is a by any standard a warrior. His skin is hard and rough. It's such a dark gray/green in anything but the brightest light it would appear black. His eyes blaze red in a face surrounded by a long black mane of coarse hair. Protruding from his lips are twin tusks The tips of each Tusk is adorned with a Mithril cover inlayed with blue sapphire

His armor is unlike most of the others. It is well maintained and finely made. The lettering on it decisively dwarfen in it origins. The surcoat he wears is of a rich fabric. Dark green with threads of gold woven into it. Human maybe.. Elven most probably… He was dressed in clothing that kings would envy. Still he was nothing more than an Orc… nothing more than a monster.

"I am not some stinking, pretty Elven warrior pussy. You are not my equal in anything. When you speak to me you fucking cunt, you will address me as is my due…I am Hordemaster Nazbog Stormterror…. You stinking half breed bitch shall call me Master Terror…."

His laughter shook the rafters of my universe as he released my hair and threw my head to the floor.

"Yes Master Terror" and in that second I knew beyond all else that it was a title he would more than earn… and he would wear it with pride…


I sat with my back to the cave wall, knees to my chest trying to stay warm, watching as he went about his work… My neck bore the bruises from my latest mistake…

I was for the moment totally forgotten as he ate the rough meal. More than once some luckless pig would pass to close and he would send him reeling. Without thought, he would rub his filthy hands along the edge of his fine coat ruining the fabric as it absorbed the grease. All I wore was the rough rope around my neck. It hung loose but still it rubbed the skin raw everywhere it touched. My hands had barely moved to touch it when I was jerked forward, dragged by the neck to his feet.

"Did I say you could remove the rope?" his voice was totally calm and contained…

My voice was breathlessly low, "no Master Terror"

He leaned back where he sat, eyes staring down at me.

"Up…" a single word that shot through me. Even as the instincts of a pampered daughter told me to rebel, the survival instinct overrides the command. I found myself coming to my knees before him.

"Arms up. Hands behind your head" I paused for only a moment but it was long enough to find myself laid out with his hand print on my face, his fist lifting me by the rope.

"Arms up. Hands behind your head" compliance was instantaneous.

"Knees wide apart." I did not hesitate. His laughter grated along my nerve endings. His hand reaching out, fingers running along the slit, tickling the flesh with his rough fingers, spark off little unanticipated fires. My body reacts despite my mind. The nub of flesh coming to attention. His questing fingers encircling it, crushing it…

My hands never leave my neck as my whole being arches. A scream leaving my throat raw. I don't know if it lasted a minute or a day or half of eternity as I kneeled with my body open to his touch… teetering on the edge of madness… a place of pain… a place of pleasure… living on a knifes edge. As suddenly as it began it ended.

One of the Master's underlings had walked into this part of the cave and I was forgotten for a moment as he release my clit and turned away seeing to his duty. Looking around as he ignored me I looked to find a place to relieve my almost bursting bladder. Finding a place that sat lower than the rest… laying in the deepest part of the shadow I lowered myself in to a squatting position. Just as the first drops of urine we released a hand lifted and spun me.

"What kind of filthy cunt bitch fowls it's own bed? Loose even one drop with out MY permission and I will burn it shut and let the others bet on how long it will take before you explode and die"

I was a study in personal misery. My body hunched over, rocking to give myself comfort as my bladder screamed for release.

"Come here cunt." His voice sounded preoccupied as he rummaged though the pack at his feet. He lifted out a glass container. Lifting it to the light he looked though the pale blue glass. "Do you know what this is?"

"No Master Terror"

He sets the bottle aside, taking the rope he passes it over and around my wrists securing them to the back of my neck then runs the ropes down along my spine to my ankles. Between my knees he used a leg hobble. I would not be closing them on anything to come.

"Do you believe in Magic cunt?"

"yes Master Terror"

"Good cause this is a magic potion that is going to decide your fate." As he said that he opened the bottle and scooped out a large portion of it. "let me explain how Rangor's Seed works. You see female of our kind have a tendency to be very disobedient and this is a little incentive for them to please us. Just the tiniest dab will keep them on the brink of an orgasm so that even the tiniest touch will give them a rush of pleasure so strong they almost pass out from it. It can also be used as a punishment when that rush is denied. On the other hand when this same potion is applied to an elf cunt and mixed with any kind of liquid other than they natural lubricants common to all pussies well then things really get interesting. They have been known to go mad with the agony of it. I have heard stories of them pouring boiling water over their cunts to get it off. Begging for death to escape the torture… and you know what.. the only thing that will stop the pleasure or the pain is lots of nice soothing Orc cum…flowing from that gapping cunt… so lets find out the truth shall we… Are you Elf… or Orc… and Would you rather have an Orc cock buried in your cunt or would you rather die… " His smile was totally evil as he spread the cool gel over my open sex. Making sure every part of it was totally covered." What ever you decide is fine. Just let me know"

It began as just a tickling, nothing over powering. Just a simple hint of arousal as tissue became engorged. The pale shell pink of my sex at rest became the brick red of arousal. Lips soft and closed opened. Nipples became hard and elongated. Hands wanting to touch were held tight by the rope. Legs, wanting to close on the aroused flesh, were held open and wide. There was no relief as day turned into evening.. I lay there as the need became stronger. Withering in need and unable to do anything at all. I don't hear moans I make or feel the tears as they flow down my cheeks uncheck. Everything in my universe is a pin point of need dripping between open thighs. Hips undulate, begging in silence but I refuse to give voice to it. I refuse to beg the monster for even a moments peace..

Then it happens, my bladder can hold back no longer. Urine, hot and strong pours over the hot aroused flesh. There is no easy transition. Moans of wonton pleasure become cried of agony as the flesh began to burn. It was not one or the other it was both. Pleasure and pain filled every pore of my being as I lay there twisting and turning trying to escape. Cries of agony, pleas for release became one.

"Gods….please no more… please Gods please… anything…. I will do.. be anything you want. Please Gods please make it stop.. Gods you're killing me…Please…" on and on the words flowed from my lips as the flesh of my cunt burned. Burned for the soothing release he had promised me. This was unlike anything I could have imagined. It was all encompassing. Each second of it was like newly discovering it. There was no way for my body to accept it. There was no retreating from it or hiding. Time looses all meaning. I could have been there an hour, day or week.

My voice is raw from begging, from screaming… from pleading, "Gods you promised release if only I would ask… you …"

His laughter bounced off the rock walls of the cave…

"Rangor's Seed promised you many things. The other Gods, well those promises are between you and them cunt. Now if you are talking to me…" his voice was full of amusement. "then I suggest you afford me the reverence of using my title. Oh and maybe you should come over here where I can hear you properly."

The distance between us is just a few feet but truss up as I was it could have been a mile. Wiggling and squirming I make my way to him. The uneven rock floor scrapping me. Leaving cuts and bruising in it wake.

"Master Terror. Please I need relief. You promised." My voice was nothing more than a raw whisper…

"Still the haute half breed elf bitch. Look at you. I don't think I have ever seen anything so nasty in all my life." Leaning forward his fingers reach out and just brush my open leaking sex, A butterflies wings would have been more noticeable but the potion had done its work well. My entire body arched in an equal mix of an orgasm of pain but there was no release from the potion. There was no recovery because the grip the potion held me in never lessened.

"You know I think your poor abused throat needs my soothing cum first. What say you cunt? Besides I think I need a little encouragement if you expect me to put this into that."
In his hand he held onto his raging cock. Like the rest of him it was massive. There was no way my body could accommodate him but it didn't matter. Nothing did but finding a way to end the torture.

"yes Master Terror…Please give my throat the warm soothing balm of Your cum" the words had barely left my mouth before I was lift to a kneeling position and his cock was filling my mouth and throat. My lips were stretched to the point of tearing at the corners to accept his girth. My lack of experience meant nothing as he fucked my face. His cock forcing its way deep into my already abused throat. His hands in my hair driving my face into his groin as his cock All I was to him was hole to be filled as again and again he drove deep. All my choking meant to him was a tighter hole and more pleasure for him. Lack of oxygen was making my body go slack as muscles gave out.

His sadistic laugh filled my ears…

"No cunt you will not leave me to finish this alone" with that his foot came between my wide spread thighs and with just a flick of his toe my entire being was as tight as a bow string as the scream of pain… the scream of release vibrated around his cock as he exploded….

"Cunt that mouth of yours needs a lot of training but it should be feeling a little better"

It was everything I could do to answer him. My throat had been destroyed.

"Yes Ma…. Mas…. Master Terror… tha…thank you for gi….giving me that. Please give me.. give my c…c…cunt the same relief."

"Cunt I would but damn you are ugly with those ears, eyes and hair. I don't know if I can get it back up if I have to look at you. I know lets flip you over and see if that works…"

Moving me as if I am nothing I find myself on my face. My body still held in tight bondage…hands behind my neck… knees spread wide ankles bound. My breast lay on the rock floor with my ass high in the air. Thighs held open giving him full view and access to my gapping cunt.

"Yeah I think I can manage to forget long enough to take care of this problem for you cunt" His hands on my hips held me tight as his cock came to rest against the opening… then he moved forward but he didn't enter me. His cock became one long agonizing stroke against my clit and lips. I lost all touch with reality as I was rocked with an orgasm so long and powerful I thought I would die. As I was rocked with the all consuming agony of the fire his touch brought…

"oops.. I think I missed… let's try again shall we?" He held himself totally still waiting for me…

"please Master Te…Te…Terror. Please try again'

His voice was a purr of satisfaction as he reared back and entered me in on agonizing lunge. His cock ripping into my back passage giving my voice strength once more.

"Damn the luck cunt… I missed again" His voice just a low growl as he bent over my back. His lips just a behind my head. His tusk grazing my hand. "Hold on cunt. This is kind of nice. What say you we let your ass feel the pleasure of my cock? And your cunt…well it can feel the loving kiss of my balls?" his hips arching just slightly as his cock rested deep.

I couldn't speak. I had no voice as my world was again rocked. His cock was ripping my poor ass open even as the touch of his balls brought me again to the pinnacle of agony and ecstasy,

"No…. opinion… cunt… good… then… I… will… chose… for… you…. I… know… you… so… well… by… now…. You… wouldn't… want… this… fun… to…end… to… fast... Hell… we're… just… starting… the… fun… aren't… we… and… a… cunt… like you…well "

Each word ended on a lunge. Each word ended on my cunt feeling the brutalizing kiss of his balls…Each word ended on an agonized scream until there was nothing left of my voice and the screams were totally silent as they paid homage to the Orc God Rangor….

"Cunt, you still with me here…yeah I can see you are" His head lay between my thighs.. he let the hard tip of his tusk torture my open gapping cunt. To his eyes the lips were drenched and red but little else gave sign of the effects the potion was having on me. Hours had passed now. Hours of games… hours of begging…hours of promising my soul for even a moment of relief.

"Cunt I think I like you….you play this game so well… I think maybe its time for you to get a little relief." With nothing more than that he had me turned over. His cock plunging deep into my pussy. Pounding me… torturing me…stretching me to the point of tearing… but it didn't matter.. the only thing that mattered was that I could feel his cock building to an orgasm. His balls tightening…

"Come on cunt… I know you can do better than that. Use that pussy to beg me. Show me that you want what I have to offer."

My hips rock back taking him deep. Muscle lining the walls tighten and release. My voice is gone but still my body finds a way….then I feel it.. and hear it… like I had so many times… he was finally going to release.. I pushed back with all my strength… needing him as deep as he would go. Then I felt it… the rhythmic pumping as he came… as he…


There was a sleepy quality to his voice as his weight rested on me. "Well hell cunt… seems you've drained me dry. Ah well cunt … there's always tomorrow…"

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