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Review This Story || Author: Harry Berg

Open Victory Celebration

Part 7

Taming the WTA Board – Part 7

Please take note! Adults Only Literature

The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only.

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This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental, etc.

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Copyright 2004


"Let's get those pussies cleaned out. My crew don't want to fuck no skanky white snatches," said Tyrone handing Lara, Caroline, and Mandy an economy sized box of Summer's Eve.

"You do it for me, Tyrone," whined Mandy sitting down on a shower stool in the large shower room. She spread her legs then used her fingers to open her vagina. "I want a man to clean my pussy. Besides it's full of your and Denzel's cum; so you should clean it out."

"I've never let a man douche me before," said Caroline. "How about you. Mom, dad ever cleaned out that busy cunt of yours?"

"No, I've always done it myself," said Lara resignedly. Moments ago when she arrived at the shower and saw her daughters standing nude beside Denzel stroking his cock, she'd decided to quit worrying about the girls and concentrate on her own survival.

The twins had rushed over to embrace Lara when she walked in naked with Tyrone's arm around her shoulder. Lara could tell from the way the twins looked and acted they had been taking drugs.

"Mommie dearest, this is such a terrific place. They got champagne, drugs and hard black cocks. Have you been fucking Tyrone? He used to be a porn star," said Mandy placing her hand on Lara's breast as she tongue kissed her mother.

"We've been eating Venus and Serena's pussy and it was so fucking hot. We let them fuck us with the same strap on cocks they used on you," said Caroline also embracing her mother and planting very passionate kisses on her lips.

"Have you girls been having a good time?" said Lara putting her arms around the girls.

The girls are so far out of it they will do anything thought Lara. I am going to play along and do whatever it takes to get the hell out of this place. Even if it means I have to kiss Venus and Serena's ass for the rest of my life.

"The wildest, Tyrone is going to let us fluff for your DVD," said Mandy.

"Nine porn stars, doesn't that sound terrific," said Caroline.

"Tyrone used to be in porn when he went to school in Los Angeles," said Mandy. "Isn't that right? Tyrone"

"Over 200 feature films," added Tyrone turning on the shower and adjusting the water temperature.

"Have you gotten to fuck him yet He's got a great cock and so does his brother, just look at this, you don't find dick like that in the Hamptons," said Caroline reaching over to fist Denzel's cock.

"Tyrone ate me out and fucked me just a few minutes ago," said Lara. "I got off like an Atlas rocket."

"Why you slut," laughed Mandy reaching down to rub her mother's sex.

"We fucked them both and they are terrific," said Caroline.

Mandy re-seated herself on the shower stool placed her hands under her knees and pulled her legs up while leaning back.

"Douche the cum out, lover," said Mandy to Tyrone who had finished mixing the fluid.

Tyrone inserted the nozzle in Mandy's cunt and pressed the squeeze bottle.

"This is just so fucking hot. The next guy I fuck is going to have to give me a douche," giggled Mandy.

Tyrone used two full bottles to clean all the dried semen and female secretions out of Mandy's pussy. As soon as Mandy was finished, Caroline sat down and opened her pussy.

"O that's good, these guys that Mom's going to fuck, are they well hung?" asked Caroline dangling her legs in anticipation.

"They're male porn stars, what do you think?" said Tyrone pushing the nozzle into Caroline's hole and squirting it full of cleansing solution.

"You are so fucking lucky, Mother," said Caroline. "If they want seconds after they blow their load in Mom can we do them?"

"Sure, why not but we got to wind things up by five," said Tyrone.

"Your turn, Mommie," said Caroline standing up as soon as Tyrone finished.

Lara sat down, parted her labium with her fingers and lifted her legs. Tyrone inserted the nozzle and squeezed all the while rubbing Lara's clit.

"Just getting you in the mood," said Tyrone.

"My pussy's willing but my body's tired," said Lara closing her eyes to concentrate on the very good feelings that were emanating from her pussy. Lara was wondering what it would be like to spend a weekend in Tyrone and Denzel's company getting fucked to where she couldn't walk.

"A little hit of speed will take care of that," said Tyrone leaning in to kiss Lara.

"I'm ready to wash out her shitter," said Denzel holding up a large enema bag equipped with a double B_A_R_D_E_X plug and a six-inch nozzle.

"Are you really going to wash Mom's ass out with that?' said Mandy.

"Can't have my crew getting shit on their dicks," said Denzel.

"What's in the bag?' said Caroline.

"Warm water mixed with Castile soap," said Denzel.

"Just turn around and bend over the shower stool," said Tyrone helping Lara to rise.

"Will it hurt?" asked Lara who was no stranger to enemas before anal sex but the equipment Denzel was holding looked to be on an industrial scale.

"Mild cramping but that's all. Sorry but we got to clean you out. That's a Black Angel Productions rule. Everybody who's going to be butt fucked has got to have their GI tract washed out," said Tyrone.

"All right," said Lara realizing she had no choice in the matter.

Mandy and Caroline watched closely as Denzel applied lubricant to Lara's sphincter then gently shoved the novel into her anus. Applying more lubricant, he slipped the inflatable wrinkled rubber sphere just inside her rectum. Then he squeezed the two black bulbs and both spheres's expanded.

"Look at that, you guys are the greatest," said Mandy.

"Wow, you've plugged her up," said Caroline.

"Tight as a frog's ass," said Denzel.

"So nothing can get out until you let the air out," said Mandy.

"Correct," said Denzel.

"How are you doing, Lara?" said Tyrone who had one arm around Lara's shoulder while he reached underneath to rub her clit.

"I'm feeling a little pressure but its not too bad. I love the way you play with my pussy," said Lara.

"Venus says that once you go black, you never go back," said Caroline.

"Start the flow, Denzel," said Tyrone.

Denzel released the clamp holding the rubber tube shut. There was a gurgling sound. Shortly, Lara began to quietly moan. Denzel was rubbing Lara's swelling abdomen.

"Do you ever use that to punish someone," said Mandy?

"Yes, as a matter of fact we have," said Denzel.

"What happens?' said Mandy.

"Use a larger bag, three quarts, real hot water and a thick concentration of soap. You fill them up until they're about to burst then make them hold it for twenty minutes. They're screaming their lungs out by the time you let them take a shit. Then you put ice water in their butts. The cramps are spectacular. You can see their intestines jumping around right through their skin," said Denzel.

"God I'd love to do that to Muffie Porter," said Caroline.

"Who's Muffie Porter?' said Denzel.

"This whore at school who thinks she's so much better than us," said Caroline.

"Here Lara time to release," said Tyrone helping Lara to stand up and leading her to a nearby commode.

Denzel pressed the small buttons that allowed the B_A_R_D_E_X plugs to deflate. There was a hiss of air followed by the sound of water spraying into the commode.

"We're going to have to try this sometime," said Mandy.

"Sometime, right now, you girls are next. Some of the crew may want to ride your Hershey Highway," said Tyrone.

After another enema, Tyrone decided that Lara's water was clear enough. He helped her to shower and wash her hair while Denzel administered enemas to the twins.

"I really love this. You're going to have to tell us where to buy all this stuff," said Caroline rocking back and forth holding her belly while Mandy licked her clit.

"All available for purchase via the Internet. We'll give you the WEB URLs," said Denzel.

Tyrone helped Lara dry off then lead her off to make-up and wardrobe. Stacy, Tyrone's make-up artist immediately went to work on Lara's hair. Serena and Venus were searching through the racks of sluttish clothes looking for the perfect outfit.

A half hour later, Lara walked into the Control Room accompanied by Venus and Serena.

"Lara, You look beautiful, doesn't she girls?' said Tyrone. Caroline and Mandy dressed in thick terry cloth robes were seated nearby smoking a joint.

"You do look great, Mom. I want to fuck you," said Mandy taking a puff.

"Yea, Mom, like a real hooker, want a toke?" said Caroline. "It's really great dope. Denzel and Tyrone are going to hook us up with their supplier."

"Yes," said Lara reaching for the joint.

"You girls should be very proud to have such a young and attractive mother," said Venus.

"Let's you and I get together soon for some serious pussy eating. There's a women's junior tournament right before the US Open. There'll be some sweet young things around just dying to get their cunts licked," said Serena putting her arm around Lara.

"Nothing's juicier than a fourteen year old when you suck their button," said Lara recalling her own days of competing in the junior division and the hot lesbian sex that the younger girls had with the older players.

"I need a sound check. Read the prompter, Lara," said Tyrone pointing toward a small black and white screen mounted over the video camera.

"I wish Ronnie would come over and bring his friends for a gangbang. I need cock, lots of cock," read Lara woodenly.

"Not good, not good at all, you sound like you're sleep walking," said Tyrone.

"I'm exhausted. Do you have anything I could take? I'm too worn out," said Lara.

"I like to think that Black Angel Productions is a drug free environment. But in your case we will make an exception. Denzel, lay down a couple lines of Blow and get some X and Crystal Meth out of the office," said Tyrone. Denzel hurried off to a nearby closet. He returned quickly and tapped a small amount of white powder onto a glass-topped table and arranged it in thin straight line.

"Lara, the Blow will get your attitude right, The Ecstasy or X will make you a friendly people person and the Crystal Meth will provide the energy to fuck these guys and ten more like them," said Tyrone.

"I need some help. Other than smoking an occasional joint, I've never used drugs," said Lara.

"Denzel show the lady what to do," said Tyrone.

Since Lara had never used Cocaine, Denzel had to show her how to use a glass straw to inhale a thin line of the white powder. It's effect really knocked her back. All of a sudden, she had a "bring them on" attitude just as Tyrone predicted. She swallowed the white tablets that Denzel referred to as X then the packet of powder containing Crystal. In a matter of a few moments, Lara felt its effect.

Mandy and Caroline came over and did a couple of lines like it was the most natural thing on earth.

"I am so ready to suck dick," said Mandy.

"Me too," said Caroline

Lara looked in the mirror at herself. Serena had picked out an incredibly sluttish dress. It was faux leopard spandex and the hem was about two inches below her ass. It was thin and tight. Her nipples clearly showed through the material. The thought that the outfit would turn on her husband occurred to Lara. She knew it was important to keep him sexually interested in her. I'll offer to buy this after we make the video.

The matching black sandals had five-inch heels. Lara often attended fashion shows in New York and marveled at the model's skill in striding down a runway in those ridiculously high-heeled shoes. Still, Lara acknowledged the way the heels made her ass stick out as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"Fuck me pumps," commented Caroline rubbing her mother's ass.

A black garter belt held up Lara's sexy black hose She wasn't wearing a bra or any panty. The dope had Lara feeling human again.

"Now read it again and this time with feeling," said Tyrone.

Lara wet her lips and slowly repeated the lines she had read earlier.

"Much better, sounded hot, Girl you may be a natural," said Tyrone who reached out and pulled Lara in by cupping a butt cheek. He gave her a wet kiss she found herself responding to.

"The first scene you're all alone in this pool hall. You're masturbating with a dildo then you say the lines," said Tyrone as they walked to a nearby set. Denzel had pre-positioned the cameras, lighting, and sound.

Tyrone sat Lara in a chair and had her pull up her dress to expose her pussy.

"Use this, " said Denzel handing Lara a black latex dildo-vibrator that was humming.

Don't look at the camera. Slowly use the vibrator to masturbate. Work it over your clit then down toward your pussy, show us you're loving it," instructed Tyrone.

Lara had plenty of experience with dildos and vibrators. She had been twelve when she had secretly borrowed one of her mothers and brought herself to her first climax. Lara sighed and moaned as the vibrating tip touched her love button. She grabbed her nipple through the spandex and twisted it.

"Terrific, now slowly and with grace slip it in your pussy," whispered Tyrone.

Lara carefully worked the dildo into her opening obviously enjoying the effect.

"Now look at the prompter and read the lines in that sexy voice of yours," whispered Tyrone.

Everyone watched as Lara shoved the dildo into her pussy while reading the lines.

"Cut," said Tyrone. "That was terrific, Lara. You sure you've never made porn before."

"No, never," said Lara who was still working the dildo into her cunt.

"Fellows are here. Can I bring them in?" said Stacia appearing on the set.

"Bring them on. It's Showtime," said Tyrone.

Review This Story || Author: Harry Berg
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